My word for 2011 is STRIVE!
As I was trying to find one word that could direct and focus me in 2011, I kept coming back to balance. It is the one thing I struggled most with in 2010 - especially the last half of 2010 as I returned to work after my maternity leave. A little secret about me: I tend to overcommit myself to things. This just left me feeling generally run ragged, drained and that I wasn't doing a very good job of anything on my plate...never mind feeling fulfilled, content and happy. Don't get me wrong - I still was and remain very grateful for my life, but trying to find adequate time for my job, my business, my community, my students, my husband, my child, my home and myself became almost impossible. So - you might be thinking...why did I not choose balance as my word in 2011?
It is a good question. For some reason, I couldn't quite get the word to "settle" within me. I wasn't feeling inspired by the word. Thus, I did a ton of reflecting. It was essentially what I was seeking, so why wouldn't it work as my word of the year?
Here is my reasoning. I believe "balance" is an ideal - something that we all want, we all work towards, but never truly achieve - at least not in a continual, sustained manner. Balance is more relative, a continuum or pendulum (in my opinion). I think what bothered me the most was the re-occuring thought that I would somehow fail if balance was my word - it wasn't concrete enough...and I'm not about to set myself up for failure on purpose. However, I still want to work towards the ideal...actively.
It was then that the word strive came to me.
As defined by the Miriam-Webster Dictionary, strive means: to make great and tenacious effort; endeavour.
This meaning was perfect for me. I could strive for balance!
With strive as my word, it would not be an option to sit back and hope things change for the better...rather I would need to WORK HARD to make it happen. Take control and actively seek a "better life".
Therefore, this is what I vow for 2011:
I vow to strive towards a balanced life - profession, entrepreneurial endeavours, creative outlets, mother, wife, friend, daughter, community member, volunteer...
I vow to recognize that "balance" will look different in my life at different stages.
I will do this by:
- striving for positivity (in all things).
- striving to nurture & cherish my family.
- striving to be a better communicator.
- striving to set and follow priorities (even if this means introducing the word "no" into my vocabulary).
- striving to limit procrastination.
- striving to grow my business.
- striving to set periodic goals & meet them.
- striving to be open to new possibilities.
- striving to learn.
- striving to create.
- striving to be the best ME I can be.
So there. Thanks for allowing me another lengthy & wordy post. I've been thinking of my word of 2011 for around two months now and it feels great to finally have "spoken" aloud.
What about you? Any of you out there in blogland have a word for your 2011? Or did you make resolution(s)? What will the new year have in store for you? I'd love to hear! Share one, share all :)