Ever since Grandma taught you that snow = wintertime (you love to go to the window or door when a new snowfall has happened and exclaim "Yook! Snow! Its winteh-time!") you've been pretty big on all things winter.
Wearing new snowboots while naked around the house (that you've put on yourself)? Check.
Wearing dad's big fuzzy touque? Check.
Drinking hot "coffee"? Check. (we make believe...we give you juice, water or milk in a coffee mug...you love it)
Playing, shovelling, and eating snow? Check.
And today...putting on your skipants all by yourself.
I heard you saying "Where are you toes?" and when I came around the corner, there you were trying to get the darn things on. You told me your toes were stuck, so I helped you just a little bit before you shooed my hand away and told me "Bendett do it self". You got them on, pulled them up and zipped them up all by yourself and promptly marched over to the door to put on your boots too. You don't love wearing your own touque, so you proclaimed "Hat!" instead. So that is how you hung out for a few minutes (until you decided you were too hot).
I love the enthusiasm and excitement that being two brings to the everyday.
I love how determined you are and how you've found this new sense of independence.
I love that you decided to stay (semi) still and say cheese for just the amount of time it took to snap one picture...I've definitely got to work on getting you in focus more quickly these days!
I love how most days the preferred "outfit" is no outfit at all (except diaper), followed closely by pj's.
I love how you are embracing the change in season :)
I love you!