

It is official! We no longer have a "baby" - but a toddler.  In the week of turning one, the little man decided it was also a great idea to start walking (much to his momma's chagrin as I would have been happy had he not walked until 18 months...but I think I was in a bit of denial on this one as he has been cruising hard core since 7 months and walking a few steps here and there for quite a while now).

Here is a glance at all things Baby B @ one:
- loves, loves, loves bananas & yogurt (fav foods at this point in life by far!)
- talks like crazy to himself and to us while alone, likes to be silent and stare in a crowd
- giggles uncontrollably when stomach tickled
- watches intently at the adults in his life then mimics what they are doing
- loves putting things in and out of other things
- likes any kind of ball
- is into looking under the furniture to find long lost items
- likes his soother but is willing to play without it - only really wants it when tired
- teething like a mad man
- still loves pushing his little "car" around our kitchen/living room loop
- mooches any food that any adult is eating (or drinking for that matter)
- will eat a banana like a "big boy" (and is starting to prefer his food NOT being cut up into little chunks)
- likes to pick up books, look at the pictures & turn pages
- finally holding his bottle on his own (although he has been able to do so for a long while has been too stubborn to do it himself until now)
- has four teeth (with more to come in the near future)
- likes to push cars around
- loves the computer & skyping with Gramma
- uses his blankie as a pillow - loves to drag it around with him when allowed and lay his head on it
- loves opening drawers & cupboards (and then completely emptying them)
- has adjusted well to babysitters
- likes to share (especially with the dog)
- is a pretty easygoing, happy little boy that is definite in his likes & dislikes

Happy Birthday, Mr. B!

Here are some pics from B's birthday bash. We were so lucky to have a wonderfully warm, sunshiney day!


What to do...

What should one do when it is almost midnight, they are sick with a cold & ear infection, have a list a mile long of schoolwork to-do's and are already mourning the five days to come spent away from baby?

Well, write a blog post...isn't that obvious?

Baby B is on the birthday countdown...he is a week away from being ONE!

Holy smokes. 
I've said it before and I'll say it again! WHERE, oh where, does the time GO?

I can't believe how much I love this little man. I know it is so cliched (sorry...have no idea how to get the accent above the e), but I truly did not understand how much I could love another being.

I'm already so proud of him. Yup, I'm bound to be one of those parents.

I really wanted some "1 yr old" photos of B before he actually turned one...and because I'm being incredibly stubborn and waiting for "fall colours" for our family photo shoot, it meant trying to get some pictures on my own (and with my friend's help, thank goodness!).  He is such a little monkey - was too busy sticking his tongue out & staring at us to pop too many smiles...but it does capture him at this point in his life, lol! Although I'm not super excited about any of the pics I got of him, the point is I did get some pics.  Life is crazy busy enough that just this effort is important :) I can't wait to show you some of the ones of my friend's girls and the ones she got of B...we had some killer light!

Love you, little man! I will miss you while I'm gone...

(and I'm sure that the moment I'm back in his presence it will feel like we've never been apart - funny how motherhood has a way of doing that to you - but I'll be sure to keep you posted nontheless...)


Long Weekend...

Wait just one minute...

Where, oh where, did the long weekend go?

Have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the time to just be...but I must have enjoyed it far too much...because I just blinked my eyes and there it went!

I have been really, horribly bad at remembering to take pics these days. I was in fact lamenting such to a friend today.

It must have something to do with being back to school.  It has taken just a little more energy than usual to be both a mom & full-time professional...I really have to think about being organized more & use every minute to full advantage or I fall behind - and there is nothing more stressful than running late in the morning with a giant to-do list once I walk in the doors of the building, and thinking of all that needs to get done at home.  I love teaching so much - but this year has really made me realize that it is definitely a job where you are "on" from the moment you walk in the door to the moment you walk out. Your brain is constantly in motion, making tiny decisions every second. I have to admit the last two weeks have left me feeling completely exhausted. No wonder I can't even remember where my camera is, never mind actually taking a picture with it (although I really should have made the effort to catch my hubby stuck with the skid-steer on our future garage site today...all this wet made the ground just a little more wet that he judged).

It is one reason why this weekend was so special.  I got some time to just slow down a bit, because I had an extra day with which to knock everything off my list.  Add to that some pretty rainy weather...recipe for relaxation.

Because the next two weeks of life promise to be absolutely nutty - here are a few pictures to summarize life by...

Baby B & I had lots of quality time together this weekend as Da was busy getting ready to build a garage.  This is by far one of B's most fav activities...walking/running (seriously) behind this "car".

With one glance at the skid-steer, B's eyes were wide and he was reaching to get in.  Although too jerky to actually take a ride, he got a chance to sit and show us both that he could totally drive this skid steer business if it was controlled by only the hand joysticks.

About ten times a day, Baby B finds some drawer or cupboard to completely dismantle/empty.  This is what happens when you turn your back for just two minutes (and hear absolute silence - that always guarantees a big mess when you turn back around again).

I'm not sure who is the bigger mooch in our household - the baby or the dog.  Here is Baby B getting his first big boy sandwich - hot sauce, mustard & all - diving right in - each bite bigger than the next.  I'm not sure Da had planned on sharing. For only three teeth, this boy can EAT!

A little sample of the clean & order that I managed to restore to parts of my house this weekend.  Every time I open the fridge, I just smile to myself. This picture brings me total joy. It brings out the inner perfectionist that just never seems to organize itself all the way to the outside.  I love order. I love clean. I'm so glad I finally decided I couldn't live with the stink that was coming from this appliance. I just wished it would have stopped raining long enough to get my car vaccuumed out...although completely de-junking it felt good enough (for now)! The closet is half-way cleaned out, but the guest bedroom will have to wait until next weekend.

So long, long weekend. Ironic I didn't find you all that long at all! (How is that for two sentences with repeated words?!)
Hope your weekend was a good one :)
See you when life settles back down a bit!