

It is official! We no longer have a "baby" - but a toddler.  In the week of turning one, the little man decided it was also a great idea to start walking (much to his momma's chagrin as I would have been happy had he not walked until 18 months...but I think I was in a bit of denial on this one as he has been cruising hard core since 7 months and walking a few steps here and there for quite a while now).

Here is a glance at all things Baby B @ one:
- loves, loves, loves bananas & yogurt (fav foods at this point in life by far!)
- talks like crazy to himself and to us while alone, likes to be silent and stare in a crowd
- giggles uncontrollably when stomach tickled
- watches intently at the adults in his life then mimics what they are doing
- loves putting things in and out of other things
- likes any kind of ball
- is into looking under the furniture to find long lost items
- likes his soother but is willing to play without it - only really wants it when tired
- teething like a mad man
- still loves pushing his little "car" around our kitchen/living room loop
- mooches any food that any adult is eating (or drinking for that matter)
- will eat a banana like a "big boy" (and is starting to prefer his food NOT being cut up into little chunks)
- likes to pick up books, look at the pictures & turn pages
- finally holding his bottle on his own (although he has been able to do so for a long while has been too stubborn to do it himself until now)
- has four teeth (with more to come in the near future)
- likes to push cars around
- loves the computer & skyping with Gramma
- uses his blankie as a pillow - loves to drag it around with him when allowed and lay his head on it
- loves opening drawers & cupboards (and then completely emptying them)
- has adjusted well to babysitters
- likes to share (especially with the dog)
- is a pretty easygoing, happy little boy that is definite in his likes & dislikes

Happy Birthday, Mr. B!

Here are some pics from B's birthday bash. We were so lucky to have a wonderfully warm, sunshiney day!

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