
New blog?!

Hello again :)

Its me...
you know,
the short,
spunky (some days),
organized (some days),
quiet (ok...now I'm just plain lying),

I know I've been neglecting you, my faithful blog readers.  I apologize. Life is crazy. But that is no excuse!

I had an interesting (rather random) inquiry the other day regarding my jewellery from Europe...yikes! It got me thinking that perhaps I need to separate my daily (rather personal, mundane and sometimes ridiculous) thoughts/blogposts from that of my creative adventures.

I'm just not all that sure how comfortable I feel about people in Europe reading about how Baby B currently has tonsilitis (which he does) when they are interested in purchasing a jewellery item from me.  It doesn't seem all that appropriate.

Thus, I have been thinking about moving my daily ramblings onto a separate blog...

However, I'm just a WEE bit indecisive...so I can't make up my mind whether I want to go to the work that this will entail.  I'll have to come up with a name, a "look", and organize and move posts either here or there.

In conclusion -
well, I'll keep you posted.
Because this short,
sometimes spunky,
sometimes organized,
and procrastinating
is in to pondering these things

(and let's face it...because of my last name & all the endless possibilities of the play on words it can facilitate...the new name has to be GOOOOOD).

Suggestions welcome.

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