
Because I don't have enough to do...

Well, OK - my title is a complete lie.  I seem to be running on all cylinders like a chicken with my head chopped off these days...so the good ol' sarcasm snuck into the blog.

I wanted to share one more little task I will be trying to keep up with through the month of December. I am following the prompts from Reverb10 to reflect upon this past year & look forward to 2011.

You might be wondering why in the world I would commit to something such as this when I am so busy? Hmmm...I think it is because I have this continuous, inner battle to find as much joy and gratitude from the everyday as possible...and when life gets busy the time I take to reflect upon these things all but vanishes. In a nutshell, I get busy, start taking life for granted, and get grouchy and negative.  I need to stop "busy" being an excuse to be grateful for the life I lead, I need to kick grouchy to the curb. I have a great life, and I need to remember this fact every. single. day.  Hence the commitment.

So - here are the first two prompts & my responses.  My goal is to summarize once or twice a week the prompts given daily (trying to be realistic with my goal-setting, lol).

#1 - what one word summarizes 2010? why choose that word? what word would you like to describe 2011 at this time next year?

Well...I chose one word to represent 2010 back in January.  That word was cherish.  I chose this word then as I felt so lucky to have become a mom and to have the opportunity to stay home with my son through his first year.  I wanted to really cherish the moments I got to spend with him as I knew the year would fly by.  Fly by it did! I do believe that I lived this word in 2010 (at least 75% of the time if I am being completely honest). The love that blossomed from the addition of B to our family continues to grow, and I will always be thankful for him (even through the frustrating times), so I believe I will continue to cherish the moments together. I have been trying to select a word that will represent 2011 for me, but haven't got it narrowed down to a winner yet.  Here are the "finalists":
balance - this is something I have struggled with oh, so very much as I've returned to work...as I've always been pretty good at multi-tasking I took for granted that balance was something that I would find sooner rather than later, but that just hasn't happened.  I want to really work on finding better balance between all the roles that I have in my life!
love - it is so easy to get caught up in negativity when you are tired, busy, frustrated (you get the idea)...for these reasons I want to have a word that reminds me to focus on the positives, the love I have for my family, friends, and life in general
nurture - this word to encourage me to focus on my family first
create - one of my goals for 2011 will focus upon expanding my creativity
no - although it sounds rather silly, I really need to add this word to my vocabulary...and do less things well

#2 - what thing gets in the way of your writing?
Hmm...since I don't really consider myself a writer (just on this blog per se), I would have to say life itself gets in the way (see above description - I've already waxed poetic)

Now a peek at December 1st:
     - have a great little project/gift planned for this fun ribbon!

   - I have titled this pic "great intentions" lol - hauled up all the xmas decorations with the intention of getting them all up...but two little things called a 1 yr old  & exhaustion got in the way...but I did get started unpacking tonight!

I hope to take time to compile the December Daily album once a week, so will keep you posted on the progress I make.  Trying REALLY hard to convince my husband (aka: Scrooge) to get a tree this weekend but not sure if I'll be successful!

Hope your December has started with a bang!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see what pan outs from all that fab ribbon selection you got there . Also trying to find our word for 2011 . Great minds think alike as I have a few of those words on our list too .
