
A "Classic" & Reasons Why You Should ALWAYS Bring a Camera...

Well, yesterday was a bit of a whirlwind in the life of this Day...

I headed to the city for the Bon Jovi concert. I have to say I was completely impressed - what a great concert.  Now let me preface that by saying that I have always liked Bon Jovi, but would not be considered a "die hard" fan.  Imagine my surprise when I was fist-pumping with the best of them.

Adding to the entertainment value immensely were "Guitar Guy", "Poufy, Feathered, Totally 80's Lady", and the "?Threesome".  Seriously.  People watching is so fun.  I should have taken my camera :(

I left home at about 2:45 pm...and arrived back home again at about 3:00 am. In 12 hours and 15 minutes, I managed to drive approximately 6 hours, eat a great supper OUT with friends, sit in a Tim Horton's drive-in line-up, and of course, attend a concert.  Not bad for half a day's worth of time.

The only problem with this...I was just a WEE bit tired on the drive home.  To combat the droopy eyes, I decided to start counting the plethora of road kill (yes, I know...perverse...but it did the trick, lol).  The most surprising roadkill? A very large BOVINE! I was sure it was just my tired eyes as I approached, but my eyes did not deceive.  I, in fact, spotted a cow that had been totally creamed (and the car that did not survive this collision so well) - well, the poor cow didn't fare too well, either. Definitely unique.  Wish I had taken my camera.

So, in conclusion - a busy but great day with multiple great photo ops. Sorry I didn't remember my camera to record the evidence.

You'll just have to believe me.
This time :)

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