


In my quest to live a healthier lifestyle (and lose all my baby weight) I am trying so hard to eat my "veggies". I actually like vegetables & fruit quite a bit, but find when I am cooking meals for the family that I don't eat as much of them as I should...making quick, balanced meals that everyone likes is a bit of a challenge some days.
Today, as I was scavenging through the fridge trying to decide what to make for supper, I found a flat of strawberries and a bag of spinach (do any of you tuck things at the back of your fridge only to forget they are there...seriously, that place is like a black abyss in our household, lol). Strawberry spinach salad it was! Add some grapes, mandarin orange segments, almonds and a tiny sprinkle of creamy poppyseed dressing. Yummy :)
Victorious! Today, I ate my "veggies" :)

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