
More Project 365 & Pictures of the Day

I've said it before...and I'll say it again!! I am absolutely loving the Project 365 I've embarked upon this year.  Only 2 1/2 months into the year, I can already see the progression of time! Some of the things I love about the process & the project, and perhaps some reasons why you might consider a similar project as well:
   - it has really got me remembering to take my camera places (and I was always the person who would forget my camera and end up with no pictures to remember an event by)
   - it has got me PLAYING with my camera and just plain old using it more (when you actually remember to take it places, you actually USE it....imagine that!) thus am getting a little more adept at using it
   - it has forced me to think "out of the box" as to what is important to record in pictures and to have a more unique perspective on the world in general (I often find myself thinking..."ooooh, that would make a great picture"....)
   - it is relatively low pressure...if I don't get a picture taken that day, I'll just take two (or three, or ten, lol) the next day...or take a picture of something generally indicative of life in 2010 (my car, the house, the dog, Baby B, etc).
    - no creativity required (although you can be as creative with the project as you like!)
    - EASY...I'm getting the story TOLD (instead of hemming and hawing about what pictures to use, what layout, what important story to tell, etc) and in the process recording an amazing look at day to day life for our family

Here are a few more "pictures of the day"!
  One of the many "frosty" days around here...

My diggity-dog...love you, buddy! (so rare to actually catch him on camera as he is deathly afraid of it)

Palm trees, sunshine and blue skies...does it get any better?

Mmmmmm...fresh citrus every morning for breakfast!

Fiercely independent Baby B - "I can put my soother in myself"

I urge you to think of all the ways you could "capture life"...if not a Project 365/picture of the day...why not a "picture of the week" or "theme of the month"?

Happy snapping, clicking, smiling!!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a fabulous idea, Jana! I love the photos and I am now a weekly fan! Can't wait for more...
    Hope you are enjoying your little one and your time together! :) Judy
