
Welcome, Spring!

Well, holy smokes!! Baby B is HALF. A. YEAR. old. I should be celebrating, dancing in the streets...but instead I feel a little nostalgic (what in the world am I going to be like when he heads to college...I don't think the world will be equipped to handle it, lol) - it is a bittersweet milestone. He is just growing up so DARN fast! While it is exciting to watch him develop and figure out the world, I already forget what it was like to hold him or change him when he was only 9 lbs and didn't WIGGLE so much.  I wish there was some magic technology that could just periodically "freeze" him at the various stages that I could then "unfreeze" and enjoy whenever I felt like (please...I know there are those out there thinking...this technology does exist you darn idiot...it is called a videocamera...but it just isn't the same! - honest...you can't pick up and cuddle and sniff a video).  Ok, ok, blah, blah, blah...I could go on and on.  So I won't. I'll spare you. Just this one time. From any more drivel and snivel.  But I really love my little boy and he is just not that little anymore. ENOUGH.

It turns out that Baby B's "half a year" milestone just happened to fall on the first official day of spring! In order to focus on the happy, positive feelings...I decided to have a "Welcome Spring" Cupcake Party. It was great fun to have a whole gathering of friends over to celebrate "just because".  (I often think of doing this but then don't get around to it - so glad actually got this one organized).

Mmmm...the naked cupcakes out of the oven and cooling...made 6 dozen total: French Vanilla, Cookies & Creme & Chocolate, Chocolate Chip!

Mountain of naked cupcakes (kind of ugly, if truth be told)...

And here are my sweet darlings all dressed up in their Sunday best!

Ok, that blue one above looks so good I might just have to whip up another batch today (inner angel says: STEP AWAY FROM THE MIXMASTER - it is bad enough you had a cupcake hangover for two days...don't need to bring on another one)

Welcome, Spring!

Table full of cupcakes :)

So...all in all, it was a great day.  Thanks to everyone that popped by to help us celebrate! I will definitely not procrastinate and plan another celebration of something "just because" soon.

What stops you from doing something joyous? This week's challenge - JUST DO IT. Think of it as "mental spring cleaning"!

Welcome, Spring!!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT Jana !! Can't wait til everyone in our house is healthy again to enjoy this beautiful weather as well .
    Cupcakes look delish too.(naked or dressed )
