
True Purpose??!!

Alright...I had one of those days today where you find your thoughts drifting & getting all philosophical...I'm sure they happen to you as well.  I call them "deep" days - time to really reflect on your life and values and what is important.

Let me just say I really, really love my life.  I feel blessed.  I truly do...I have been fortunate to live a lot of life and have many diverse experiences, made a wide variety of friends, have a large, extended loving family, and a career that I love.  I have NO regrets - not really, anyways...every experience that I've had has helped me grow as a person, in one way or another, for better or worse.  But lately I find myself thinking on these "deep" days that I haven't quite found my one true purpose.  I have no idea what that purpose is, but somehow I just know that there is more life in store for me. Call it a "gut instinct" if you will...

So, to make a long story short - I have spent virtually all day (well - the "me" moments of the day) surfing all the blogs I like to follow (I could seriously work that into a profession, I'm sure...I have about 200 "favourites", lol), researching cool products and stories of entrepreneurship, listening to gripping tales of battles with terminal illness and the courage displayed, and on, and on.  I feel inspired to be a better person...to live with more intention!

I think it is so easy to get stuck in the "eveyday"...the routines (that while important) we tend to get caught up in and allow to be somewhat monotonous.  I have these days where I feel so thoughtful and inspired...but it always seems to be so short-lived.  A day.  Two days.  Maybe a week if I'm lucky.  So, how then do I keep it going?  The truth is...it is hard.  Very hard.  It is easier to live mindlessly and do today what we did yesterday and not challenge ourselves.

So...to honour the process of trying to live more intentionally every. single. day...I'm going to start a "gratitude" list and a "creativity" exercises class.  Perhaps this will get me closer to that purpose.

Today: I am grateful for the ability to hear my baby's from-the-belly laughs & giggles - such a precious sound...I am grateful for the fact that I was able to experience the miracle that is pregnancy and birth, a healthy, happy child, and that I get to be a parent and see the world from an entirely different perspective.  I am thankful for technology that allows me to "capture" these moments and the ability to reflect back on them and smile.

Today: I am creatively inspired by Amy Butler fabric...in particular a turquoise, magenta and green damask. (I really, really, really LOVE bright colours {smile}) 

(Thanks for "listening" to my ramblings...)

On a lighter note...I would like to thank my friend Jocelyn (of Jocelyn Harvey Photography) for the amazing picture of my little boy @ 6 months.  You absolutely captured his essence! I love the way his eyes and expression are telling a story - every time I look at this picture I just spontaneously smile...and that is exactly what I wanted to capture :)
Life is precious, people! Enjoy. Take the time to live intentionally.  Be a better you, each and every day.

OK. Preaching done.

Over & out.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jana, I really really enjoyed this post and feel that I can really relate. Your comment of feeling as though you aren't sure you have quite found that one real purpose really hit home to me. I have these "deep" (love that title) days also, reflective and also contemplative of where I am at and where I am headed. I really love ready your blog and am going to "borrow" your idea of the gratitude list...awesome idea!
