
A glimpse at Monday...

So.....here it is....a glimpse into my very ordinary life on Monday, April 19, 2010.

6:16 am: Out of bed to rescue Baby B from his crying...no one else budges! Yes, Oscar sleeps right smack dab in the middle of our bed (and that big "lump" to the L of the picture is indeed my hubby...and yes, I have my alarm clock set 10 minutes fast). The good news is with his soother back in, Baby B goes to sleep for another 45 minutes = happy momma!

7:05 am: Baby B waits patiently for his bottle to get made.

7:45 am: Baby B & I head downstairs for a workout (well I workout...he chills).
A little "Live with Regis & Kelly" while I ride the exercise bike.
8:45 am: All done my breakfast of oatmeal & pears.
9:00 am: Baby B (in the Chariot), Oscar & I go for a run.  When we get home, I make & eat breakfast.
10:45 am: After a quick shower, Mom & Dad phone...so Baby B & I are off to Redvers to pick up Grandma Jane for a visit today :)
1:15 pm: Arrive home...relax, play and visit with Grandma Jane.
2:30 pm: Getting ready to go for a walk!
3:00 pm: While on our walk, I FINALLY get Baby Mackenzie's gift in the mail while Grandma Jane keeps Baby B & Oscar occupied.

4:30 pm: Back from our walk...Oscar is exhausted from all the fresh air?!
Baby B, Grandma Jane & I play on the floor.  We {heart} our new rug!
5:35 pm: Rod home from work. Washes up & sits down to play with the little man :)

6:45 pm: Grandpa Doug arrives (from a bull sale).  We order chinese for supper...Baby B eats oatmeal & veggies.
7:10 pm: Rod bathes Baby B. Grandpa & Grandma say goodnight & head home.
7:30 pm: I get Baby B into his pj's...nurse, feed bottle & put to bed (around 8:30ish).
8:45 pm: Clean up the kitchen then sit down @ computer to work on online course...get frustrated & give up.  Surf for a bit.
10:00 pm: Rod says goodnight.
10:15 pm: Lights out.

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