
Thursday Thoughts...

Thursday started with a bang @ 7:10am..when he woke the whole rest of the house up (even Rod!!)...we all slept in - what a treat!

Rod heads off to work and Baby B and I get going on the daily morning routine...diaper change, nurse, feed bottle, workout, breakfast, etc.

8:45 am: come upstairs after working out to find this lovely surprise (note the sarcasm) courtesy of our own little dumpster-diver

9:00 am: while feeding Baby B breakfast, our neighbour calls to say she just saw Oscar run across the street...she thinks our back gate is open...so I head outside to investigate & corral our Houdini (thank goodness he comes running back when I call him...with an extra spring in his step...nothing like an early morning run-about to make a guy feel young again)...shut the gate and finish feeding the little man.

9:13 am: Change into workout clothes and go for a run.
10:00 am: Stop and pick up Kye at the end of our run
10:15 am: Meet up with a friend & her boys while walking...we come back to our house for a little conversation & play.

11:30 am: Head back out for a walk...take Kye home...try to get Chloe back inside but she growls at me & I have trouble getting close enough to her to even get leash off.  Scratch my head a bit wondering what I should do with her...but persevere and finally get her in the house!
12:25: back home...try to get Baby B down for a nap...he will have no part of it...try to give him a bottle...no dice - teething sucks!
12:45: try the nap again...this time he rolls right over on his side (his sleeping position), makes his tired sounds, and is asleep within 5 minutes
12:50: I check the internet for a few minutes, then get to the business of laundry, take turkey out of freezer (& realize I don't have enough time to cook today)

1:45 pm: Baby B awake, bottle, play in living room (all he wants to do is stand, stand, stand).
3:00 pm: fussy baby...back down for another nap - this time I lay down, too (first time I've EVER done this successfully). When we wake up, bottle time.

4:45 pm: Grandma Jane skypes Baby B
6:00 pm: Send Rod a message about when home, defrost hamburger & make patties.
6:15 pm: Rod home, throws in a load of laundry & plays with Baby B while I make supper for the little guy.
6:30 pm: the nightly routine begins...supper, bath, nurse, bottle, bed by 8:30pm
8:35 pm: I sit down at computer to work on online course...but update the blog instead.
9:15 pm: tidy up kitchen
10:00 pm: get out my Project Life binder & write some journalling cards (I am WAY behind on writing these out - so glad I've been keeping a "diary" on my computer)
10:15 pm: Rod heads to bed.
11: 35 pm: Can't keep my eyes open...bedtime!

So...the thoughts for this Thursday...
  - Baby B seems to be getting the hang of this "sleeping in" business (in our household, anything past 7:00 am is considered a sleep in)
  - I don't think I'm doing a spectacular job with recording the day in pictures...I miss out on many key shots...mostly because I forget to haul the camera with me when I'm out and about...but still think what I'm getting is better than nothing and think it will be great fun to look back at this and reflect on life!
  - I am really quite grateful for my life - it seems so mundane until I write down our activities - I've realized I most often accomplish far more in a day than I give myself credit for (and I clean/tidy and play with Baby B ALOT, lol)...I think we are so lucky in Canada to get an entire year of maternity leave...I can't imagine what I would have missed out on if I had gone back when Baby B was only 6 weeks.
  - no matter what stage Baby B seems to be at...I always love it "best"! My favourite part of his current stage is the definite routine/schedule that he has and how expressive he is becoming! I feel really lucky that he is, overall, a very content baby.
  - Oscar is becoming more and more challenging with age...all these bad habits he has picked up :<
  - I give SO MUCH credit to all the single parents out there!!

Three more days remain in this "week in the life"! I've got to remember to haul my camera!!!

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