
This is Tuesday...

Day 2 - phew! Honestly, as boring as my life is...this documentation of the ordinary is work. It takes a conscious effort to remember to take pictures of the tasks we normally take for granted and just do! Still need to manage to catch myself on camera - perhaps tomorrow. Need to live in the moment more...snap more "on the go" pictures!

6:30 am: The Baby B alarm clock sounds...soother back in and sleeps until 7:20 (what a sleep in...yippee!)
7:00 am: Rod stops and gives me a kiss goodbye before leaving for work.
7:20 am: Get Baby B out of bed, change diaper, let him play on the floor while I make bottles, nurse & feed bottle. Oscar takes up his usual perch on the bench by window as Baby B gets fed.
7:55 am: Put on workout clothes and head to basement.
8:30 am: Make list for Minot while Baby B plays. Make breakfast for and feed the little man. Shower. Pack diaper bag.

10:00 am: Leave house. Stop @ bank to get American $$, c-store to fill up with gas.

10:32 am: On highway on our way to Minot.

11:50 am: Pull into Hobby Lobby. By noon headed to Walmart and by 1:00 to the mall.  Stop @ Barnes & Noble - buy Pioneer Woman cookbook (she rocks!!!),
eat @ Starbucks...(I have a pizza pretzel & mocha light frap, Bennett has veggies), Herberger's (all baby clothes are 60% off), Old Navy, Target (I have been going back & forth on whether I should buy these shoes or not for the last three trips, lol...but didn't today).
5:30 pm: Home! Oscar meets us at the door with tail wagging (as always).  Baby B plays with his dad while I carry in shopping.

6:00 pm: Leftovers for supper (chinese & spaghetti).  Baby B playing - falls and bumps his head three times in a row...grouchy bear.
6:30 pm: Feed Baby B supper - screams the whole time, but somehow I manage to get the food into him.
7:15 pm: Bathtime - Rod baths a now very happy Baby B (aka Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde).
7:30 pm: Pj's, nurse & feed bottle.
8:30 pm: Awake, happy & cooing but put to bed anyway. Cries and fusses for about 10 minutes but then falls asleep.
8:45 pm: Sit down @ computer - check facebook...force myself to do online course...
9:00 pm: Rod & I chat about the day while I work @ computer.
10:00 pm: "Goodnight, sweetheart."
11:45 pm: Goodnight. (why didn't I go to bed two hours earlier???)

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